Laser Safety Officer Course

January 18, 2016 – January 19, 2016 all-day
Fleming Laser, Oakleigh VIC
Trudy Fleming
(03) 8060 2075
Laser Safety Officer Course @ Fleming Laser, Oakleigh VIC

Laser Safety Officer Course ED194

Approved for: Theoretical components of the required competencies for people wishing to obtain a Use Licence and Radiation Safety Officer certificate for laser cosmetic and medical procedures.

This course follows Australian and New Zealand Standards: AS/NZS 4173:2004 Guide to the Safe use of Lasers in Health Care. This is a two-day theory course giving laser and IPL science knowledge and safety guidelines for using these devices. in some Australian states this course is required as part of obtaining a Use Licence. In non-regulated states it is still strongly recommended as a way of understanding laser and IPL technology and for guidelines on necessary standard operating procedures. Many insurance companies insist all staff using a laser or IPL show proof of such Laser Safety certification before they will insure the clinic/salon.

There are numerous Laser Safety courses available in Australia including a number of on-line courses. Trudy’s training differs from others in a number of ways. Her course is more interactive, you can ask wide ranging questions and get answers that will help relate the science of laser with what you want to do in your clinic or practice. Trudy will link the science to the various wavelengths of laser and what treatments can be done with different devices and parameters available. This will bring what is normally a rather “dry” topic alive and relate it to what you will be doing or open your eyes to new possibilities. Trudy relays the information in terms that is easily understandable, making this rather technical subject accessible to all participants.

This Laser/IPL Safety Officer course is the basic study required before any further hands-on training is undertaken in the use of various lasers or IPL devices. It is offered three times per month, usually on a Monday and Tuesday. Some weeks it is followed by IPL clinical training, other weeks it is followed by laser hair removal or laser tattoo removal clinical training. Courses can be taken consecutively or laser safety studied one month and clinical training at another time.

Duration: 2 days, 9.00am – 5.00pm [approx, usually earlier finish on 2nd day]

Assessment: Multiple choice/short answer theory paper. You will be required to study and revise the information on the evening of the first day in readiness for the test paper on the afternoon of the 2nd day.

Includes: Training notes, morning/afternoon tea, [BYO lunch], certificate upon successful completion.

SPECIAL OFFER: Fleming Laser are offering 20 percent off laser safety training classes in January when the course is booked and paid in full before the end of December.

Further info, additional laser safety training dates and application forms for readers can be found on the website.


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