RE/WIND: A Wellness Sanctuary With A Twist

A soothing wellness sanctuary with a team of skilled professionals.

Working as a nurse for 27 years, with a near-decade of that time spent in aesthetics, Leanne Oliveria has experienced first-hand what difference improving someone’s wellbeing can do for their overall health. In 2022, Leanne launched her Gold Coast medispa RE/WIND, a luxurious sanctuary that hosts a unique point of difference to other medispas in the state. We caught up with Leanne to discuss her recent business venture and to discuss what inspired the idea for RE/WIND:

Pictured: Founder of RE/WIND Medispa, Leanne Oliveria.

What made you found RE/WIND? 

So many women chase their careers, put their family first, they have guilt when wanting to take care of themselves, and society today makes it seem like we as women should be able to do everything. Spending so many years around women with health issues, there seemed to be one common denominator, women consistently put themselves last. This causes so many health issues, along with burnout, we only put ourselves first once we absolutely have to.

I didn’t leave my family for even one night for over 10 years. When I finally did, I had mixed emotions about taking time for myself. I went on a 3 day retreat and while I wanted to be there and needed some self-care, I still felt bad for leaving my family and consistently wondered if they would be okay without me. Of course, they were fine, but it also made me realise that these retreats were not only expensive, but sometimes being away for a couple of days is just impossible with a family. It’s the biggest reason I founded RE/WIND. It needed to have all the services under one roof, and staff that matched my values for self-love and self-care. The space had to be close to home for most people, welcoming and relaxing, a luxurious space that felt worlds away. 

The entire team at RE/WIND has evolved organically over time and each member of the team share the same love for building self-confidence, nurturing, and encouraging self-love. All the beautiful women that are a part of the RE/WIND team offer an individualised treatment plan to every client. They’re highly trained and experienced whilst being down to earth and accepting every person unconditionally. 

Describe what RE/WIND offers.

RE/WIND is a place of sanctuary, offering hope and belonging to all genders. It is a quiet space to help soothe the mind, body, and soul. RE/WIND is the ultimate medispa, located on the southern end of the Gold Coast. 

What makes it different to other medispas?

We offer multiple services under the one roof. RE/WIND hosts the first sauna in the country which offers wet/dry, infrared light, chroma-therapy, and aromatherapy all in the one.

Our salt room is one of a kind, European vibes, yet only on the Gold Coast. We also offer classes within a salt room, with Pilates and sound bath yoga & meditation with a limit kept to 4 people for a more intimate session. We also have extremely experienced Registered Nurses with full nursing backgrounds that offer cosmetic injectables.

What do you think will be the most popular treatment?

IV vitamin infusions. We offer a range of IV Infusions which can improve skin texture and appearance, increase endurance and stamina whilst decreasing recovery times, rehydration, and detoxification for big days/nights where nutrients are lost, or infection-fighting immune boosters.

Also, our Salt room. This is the only one on the Gold Coast. There are places on the Gold Coast that offer salt therapy with the use of the halo generator, but ours is purpose built for relaxation, with Himalayan salt brick wall and a salt floor. 

What are you most excited about for your business and the first year of being open?

Watching women grow and heal. Nurturing self-confidence and self-love. Helping women in particular work on themselves and their mental health. I am excited to watch RE/WIND grow and being able to offer even more services under the one roof.

To learn more about Leanne and RE/WIND, visit their website here.

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