Can Anti-Wrinkle Treatments Lower Blood Pressure?

A new study has shown a link between muscle relaxants to treat upper facial wrinkles and reduced blood pressure.

Anti-wrinkle injections have been a saving grace for many clients looking to slow the ageing process and feel more confident in their own skin. But it seems the benefits of injectables don’t end there. Recent studies have indicated that muscle relaxants may boost mental health and prove beneficial for anxiety and depression, and now a new study, “Is botulinum toxin injection for upper face an effective antihypertensive supplement?”, published in February 2022 has linked anti-wrinkle injections and decreased blood pressure.

Researchers for the study, published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, evaluated 20 patients with upper facial wrinkles and without essential and nonessential hypertension. All patients received 150 units of the injectable. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) measurements were taken before the treatment was received and 14 days after the initial treatment.

Each patient’s average systolic BP levels before and after receiving injections were 121.70 mm Hg and 120.25 mm Hg, respectively. Their average diastolic BP values before and after injections were 82.00 mm Hg and 80.50 mm Hg, respectively.

“Though our results were not statistically significant, [anti-wrinkle injections] appears to reduce blood pressure,” the researchers noted. “To further evaluate the effect of [injectables] on arterial essential hypertension, new studies in larger series may also serve subjects to conditions that may or may not include lifelong application.”

To access the full study, click here.

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